Monday, July 11, 2011

Take a load off!

Ever noticed that you buy more food when you shop hungry? Or that you love looking at bedding when you feel tired... Well, here are some nice places to lie down and relax!

via Lonnymag
via Decoratrix Blog
via 79 Ideas
via Little Emma English Home

via Pinterest - original unknown, sorry!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Junk in the Trunk

via Treehugger
via Ubergizmo   

via Jewelry Display Ideas 
via The Estate of Things

I am in the process of creating a home office in a trunk like the one above! My trunk looks nothing like that one. It is a trunk that I've had since high school, and recently spray painted black. I bought one of those metal hanging file racks and some hanging files. I also got a caddy for odds and ends that hangs from that same metal rack. I am Loving it already! I have a little dry erase board that goes in the top and will soon be putting in a cork board on the other side...
Yes, I have a trunk sitting on a trunk. I love trunks. Love them! And the spray paint looks perfect in person. The flash of the camera just caught it wrong!
Granted, mine doesn't look nearly as pretty as the one in the above photo. But it's a work in progress!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

This Warm House

Such a lovely domestic scene!

I love that cruddy old door!

I want a big wooden table with a bench on one side and chairs on the other... and open shelving... and a magnetic knife holder... butcher block counter top... farm sink. Dark walls. I guess this is one of my Ideal kitchens!

Would love to have a pitched roof in my bedroom!

via Plaza

I have no idea what language the source site for these images is in. So, I can't give any information. But I love love this house! The combination of clean, modern lines and natural wood accents is perfect!